Thursday, June 26, 2008

Making Willow Water and SAR

Making Willow Water and SAR

Plants make salicylic acid to trigger natural defenses against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Aspirin thus is an activator of ‘Systemic Acquired Resistance’ (SAR). However, plants often don’t produce the acid quickly enough to prevent injury when attacked by a microbe. Spraying aspirin on the plants speeds up the SAR response. Tests have shown this works on many crops, producing better plants using less pesticide. “It also makes it possible to successfully grow many fine heirloom varieties which were discarded because they lacked disease resistance.” Powell says.

Scientists first encountered the SAR phenomenon in the 1930s. After encountering a pathogen, plants use salicylic acid as a key regulator of SAR and expression of defense genes. “Only recently have companies begun marketing salicylic acid and similar compounds as a way to activate SAR in crops—tomato, spinach, lettuce, and tobacco among them,” according to Powell.

“ARS scientists are studying plants’ defenses, such as antimicrobial materials like the protein chitinase which degrades the cell walls of fungi, and nuclease enzymes which break up the ribonucleic acid of viruses. They’re also testing aspirin and other SAR activators which could be effective against non-microbial pests such as aphids and root-knot nematodes,” Powell says. “This may be the most important research of the century. Stimulating SAR defenses with aspirin or other activator compounds could result in increased food production and the elimination of synthetic pesticides.”

He recommends we experiment by spraying some plants with a 1:10,000 solution (3 aspirins dissolved in 4 gallons of water), leaving other plants unsprayed. Tests have shown that the SAR activation lasts for weeks to months. (Sort of homeopathic heart attack prevention for your plants.)

Here are links to more info on aspirin for plants

they also said it improved seed germination.

for roses - they also use h2o2

using willow
plant headaches

Two strains of pathogen

Two strains of pathogen found

The American strain of sudden oak death was found for the first time in 1995 in Mill Valley, California. Since then, it has been detected in 17 California counties. And in 2001, it was found in Curry County, Oregon near the California border.

The disease has killed thousands of oak and tanoak trees found in California and Oregon. Other plants common to the Pacific Northwest are susceptible to the disease, but are not likely to die.

Since May 2003, the European strain of sudden oak death has been detected in nurseries in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, Canada, although most infected plants are by the American strain. There is no evidence that either strain has moved beyond the nursery environment.

[Top of Page]

The origin of sudden oak death is unknown

Plant pathologists do not know where the pathogen originated, but the disease is spread naturally and artificially. In nature, the pathogen is spread through the movement of water in the form of rain, mist, dew and runoff. Humans spread the disease through the movement of infected nursery stock and possibly with firewood and soil on the bottoms of shoes and boots. (Although viable spores have been detected on boots there is no evidence that the pathogen is spread this way.)

No pesticide to control sudden oak death

There is no pesticide registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that will eradicate the organism that causes sudden oak death. The only way to stop the disease is to cut down and burn infected plants or trees.

SOD Pest Risk Assesment


"...Tree mortality of both live and tan oak has been confined to the coastal fog belt and in association with bay laurel. ...
P. ramorum is considered to be a nursery disease and while many plant species can be infested with P. ramorum, only a few are capable of spreading the disease. These include Rhododendron, Camillia, Kalmia, Viburnum and Pieris. ...

CFIA have proposed regulating only the five high-risk host plants at the genus level with all other plants will be regulated at the species level, in harmony with USDA regulations. Changes have also been made to the P. ramorum infested nursery protocol to reflect the lower risk status of the disease. Industry is invited to comment on both; they can be downloaded from the CNLA website"

Phylogeny of Stramenopiles


from TOLWEB:

This grouping of protists arose largely from molecular studies which categorically confirmed that algae (previously referred to as Heterokonts or Chrysophytes) were related to a variety of non algal protists - such as the heterotrophic bicosoecid flagellates and the fungal oomycetes (Leipe et al, 1994). The group was informally named by Patterson (1989) and was based at that time on cytological evidence.

The hairs which define this group are a distinctive subset of hairs encountered in protists, and are distinguished by having a long hollow shaft that gives rise to a small number of fine hairs, and the entire structure inserts into the cell by a basal region. These hairs usually occur on the flagella. A number of supposed stramenopiles are thought (opalines) or known (diatoms) to have lost the hairs. The stramenopiles is a very major grouping of eukaryotes containing some organisms with the largest linear dimensions known in the eukaryotic world (brown algae), as well as ecologically very important organisms - such as the diatoms.


Tubulocristate protists with tripartite tubular hairs or derived from such organisms.


Leipe, D.D., Wainright, P.O., Gunderson, J.H., Porter, D., Patterson, D.J.,Valois, F., Himmerich, S. and Sogin, M.L. (1994): The stramenopiles from a molecular perspective: 16S-like rRNA sequences from Labyrinthuloides minuta and Cafeteria roenbergensis. Phycologia. 33:369-377.

Patterson, D.J. (1989): Stramenopiles: chromophytes from a protistan perspective. In: Green J.C., Leadbeater B.S.C. and diver W.L. (eds): The chromophyte algae problems and perspectives, pp. 357-379. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Sogin, Mitchell L. and Patterson, David J. 1995. Stramenopiles. Version 01 January 1995 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in the San Francisco Bay Area

This program examines the disease Sudden Oak Death (SOD) which is attacking oaks and now other trees and plants in the San Francisco Bay Area. Program shows the symptoms of SOD on oaks, explains the cause of the disease, and outlines steps people can take to help slow its spread. Includes interviews with UC horticulturist Pavel Svihra who discovered and named this disease, UC Davis plant pathologist David Rizzo who discovered the pathogen responsible, and Forester Kent Julin of the Marin County Fire Dept. who discusses the fire danger associated with dead and dying trees. Series: "University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources" [8/2001] [Science] [Agriculture] [Show ID: 5929]

Phytopthora ramorum zoospores emerging on YouTube

Sudden Oak Death Fungus May Be Lurking In Your Shrubbery





(Note: hole punches in leaves were made to remove leaf disks for analysis for Phytophthora ramorum the cause of Sudden Oak Death.)



excerpt from NCSU Plant Pathology, please click for entire article:
(I added the bold for emphasis, below)

"Although Sudden Oak Death (SOD) is a forest disease, the organism that causes this disease is capable of infecting a large number of woody ornamental plants that are commonly sold by nurseries and planted into urban landscapes.


Despite the name, Sudden Oak Death disease is not just restricted to oaks.

Camellias, rhododendrons, Pieris, mountain laurel, viburnum, and lilacs are among 60 different plant hosts or potential carriers of the disease.

Only above ground plant parts are affected. The roots of infected plants remain healthy.

On oaks, the organism causes bleeding cankers on the trunk that can eventually girdle and kill the tree. On the majority of host plants, however, the disease causes leaf spots and twig dieback, but very rarely results in plant death.

Infected oak and tan oak trees in California forests are typically found in close proximity to other host plants such as bay laurel that have infected leaves. As such, it would be unusual to have an infected oak tree with a bleeding canker without the presence of other nearby foliar plant hosts such as mountain laurel or camellias. The disease is not known to spread from oak to oak."

P. ramorum Infection of Rhododendron

Image from Northeast Plant Diagnostic:
Image from Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research(Netherlands)

Phytopthora ramorum lifecycle

Image from the WSU SOD program

Sudden Oak Death

I may be starting a new job working with the pathogen that causes "Sudden Oak Death", so I created this blog to help me organize links and information as I learn about this subject!

some links to get me started:

I live in Canada, so I looked at the Canadian Phytopathology Society (CPS) site: Sudden Oak Death

Lots of news and information about SOD in Canada there.

Also the CFIA website...

on the APSnet: Sudden Oak Death Online Symposium with great list of online resources

Google of Sudden Oak Death, Google of ramorum, Wiki entry

External links from Wiki:
I guess that's enough for now.....